Electrical And Plumber Job In Saudi Arabia


Job Id :1000478427


السلام علیکم ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ ,

Dear all we have some requirements for electrician and plumbers in riyadh in a long term villas project. The electrician must have knowledge of Saudi electrical system installation also have must command on read drawings and following the drawings and carry out the layout of electrical system from first fix to the third fix complete installation system also needs clean and neat hands experience.
For the plumber also needs to read and carry out the layout and have must clean and neat work experience we need fast work as well as possible.
For both of plumbers and electricians the above mentioned experience is must if you have match the above mentioned rules so please kindly contact us otherwise we don't have to give chances we will take test on drawings and hands work. If someone pass in work will continue to work with us for those who want to give chance no money please avoid we need fast clean and neat hands workers who have experience in electrical and plumbing.

If you have match the above mentioned requirements call us and WhatsApp.

Basic Details

Location : Region: Riyadh

Qualification :

Posted :

Job Type : Full-Time

Company : Saudi Jobs

The Current job either old and expired

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