Manpower Required In Saudi Arabia


Job Id :1000474230



We have requirement for some trade if any one interested please contact me.
Only freelancer can contact me on whatsapp only

Electrician housing DB pannel termination required 30 people
10 hours duty + over time
Salary 3000 basic

Required 30 people
10 hours duty + over time
Salary 3000 basic

Required 30 people
10 hours duty + over time
Salary 2800 basic

Cesor lift operator with license
Required 50 people
10 hours duty
Salary 3600 basic

Documents required
Valid iqama
Expire not accepted

Interested contact please contact as soon as possible

Contact only in watsapp number

Basic Details

Location : Region: Al Murabba

Qualification :

Posted :

Job Type : Full-Time

Company : Saudi Jobs

The Current job either old and expired

Kindly look at the latest jobs

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