Painting Coating Engineer , Painting Coating Crew Supervisor ,foreman Training Program


Job Id :1000444916



There are plenty of Painting and Coating crew supervisor and Engineers vacancies in the saudi job market.

We are here to support you to get job in painting/Coating industry by providing excellent online training program inline with Saudi Aramco and other international standard requirements which helps the fresh candidate work confidently in Saudi Aramco (both onshore & offshore) and other painting and coating projects.

Highly qualified Coating Engineer holding Saudi Aramco approval and 15 years of Aramco experience is conducting the training program. Training module consists of very basic to most critical coating system such as offshore coating. Duration of the course is one month and the Fee is SAR 2500 only. Courses will be conducted in both English and Urdu/Hindi medium

Managers, Engineers , QC Inspectors , Supervisors , foreman can attend this course so that you will get 100% confidence in painting / coating industry and it will be very beneficial for your career.
Please do contact in 0081 (Both call and whatsup)

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Job Type : Full-Time

Company : Saudi Jobs

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